Our Courses
Life Skills Puppy
£175.00 for the 7 week course

This comprehensive Puppy course will lay the foundations and guide you through your puppies crucial learning and development stages. It will teach your puppy life skills and how to make choices that will help to form a wonderful bond and relationship with you, whilst also teaching them how to cope in the real world in the right way. You will learn how puppies learn by association, positive socialisation, all about canine enrichment, canine body language, the puppy development stages and more. We will cover all aspects of puppy behaviour as well as basic training, such as foundations for walking nicely on a lead and for recall and coming back when called. You will learn how to help and support your puppy, manage surprises, how to respond and love their name, how to interact calmly with people and other dogs, the importance of settle, the importance of toy play, polite greetings and keeping four paws on the floor, being able to engage and respond to you around distractions, hand targeting, building confidence, impulse control, leave, focus and helping you to develop a fantastic relationship and bond with your puppy through play, fun and games.
This 7 week course is for puppies from around 12 weeks of age up to 6 months of age. Classes are kept small at 6 puppies per class to offer individual support. You will also receive helpful puppy guides sent to you by email before your course.
Puppy Extension Course
£150.00 for the 6 weeks course
This course is for those who have completed our puppy course and want to continue progressing with their puppies in obedience. Part of this course will take place up in our enclosed woodlands area to get your puppy working in a more distracting and natural environment!
Life skills Teenager
£92.00 for the 4 week course

This course has been designed for those dogs who having completed puppy training are struggling with making the correct choices during their difficult adolescence stage. We will cover all aspects of adolescence behaviour and the challenges they may present.
During this stage of life, there is a lot going on in their busy little brains. Our Teenager course is all about creating focus and building a fantastic relationship through lots of play, fun and games which will help lay the foundations of a loving, lasting and healthy relationship between you and your dog.
Working on focus, impulse control and self control, revisiting recall, leave, dealing with frustration, settle, calmness, boundary and station training around distractions, toy play to create a fantastic bond and make us far more interesting than the distractions in the real world.
This course is designed for dogs aged 6 to 18 months of age.
Life Skills Beginners
£150.00 for the 6 week course

Our Life Skills Beginners course will help you to build a wonderful bond and relationship with your dog through, play, fun and games. We will cover all the basics and is the foundation to move onto more advanced training courses should you wish to do so. You will learn how dogs learn by association, positive socialisation and how to get it right, all about canine enrichment, canine body language and more.
You will learn how to help and guide your dog to be able to engage and respond to you around distractions, how to respond and love their name, walking nicely on lead, recall, how to interact calmly with people and other dogs, the importance of settle, the importance of toy play, hand targeting, focus, polite greetings and keeping four paws on the floor, building confidence, stay, impulse control, gate manners, leave and food manners.
This 6 week course is an entry point for dogs who are over 6 months old and new to Happy Dogs
Life Skills Intermediate
£150.00 for the 6 week course

Our Life Skills Intermediate course is a follow on course from the Life Skills Teenager and Life Skills Beginners courses. Taking the next step with more advanced techniques such as boundary games, food manners, orientation/proximity skills, free walking plus a refresh on the basics.
This course is an ideal way to increase and improve your dog’s learning through lots of play, fun and games and having a great time, whilst building a fantastic bond with your dog.
This 6 week course is for dogs 6 month of age and over.
Life Skills Expert
£100.00 for the 4 week course

Our Life Skills Expert course is for dogs that are working at a high level of obedience, focus, impulse control and ready to take their training to the next level. Your dogs will have needed to complete our intermediate course, or loose lead walking and recall intermediate, or drop us an email and we will see if your dog is ready for this course!
Woods Training
£92.00 for the 4 week course
This course is perfect if you have just finished a puppy or a beginners course and want to continue obedience working around higher level distractions. You will be training in our enclosed woodlands to help increase focus and engagement in a more realistic environment!
Recall & Loose Lead Walking

£92.00 for the 4 week course
This highly requested course aims to teach your dog two of the most important lessons you can give them, to make walking your dog an absolute joy!
Come and teach them how to focus on you and walk beside you in a happy and positive way building a great relationship between you both.
This course is aimed at giving you a reliable recall even when the going gets tough!
Starting at the beginning we will shape your recall word to be the ultimate rewarding experience for your dog, we will then start to add in the distractions, diversions in real life situations.
£92.00 for the 4 week course
This course is for dogs that have completed the beginners loose lead walking and recall course.
The aims of this course is to further your dogs learning in these areas, to get them recalling away from distractions, free walking and continuing the emergency stop to take your training to the next level.
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Award
£150 for the 6 week course
This is course is designed as the entry level for those wishing to complete their assessment with the Kennel Club. We will cover all the exercises included in the Bronze award such as; cleanliness and identification, collar, lead & equipment, walk on lead, control at door/gate, controlled walk amongst people and dogs, stay on lead for 1 minute, grooming, examination of dog, return to handler, gradually progressing the exercises throughout your course. At the end of the course, we will arrange for an external examiner from the Kennel Club to come and assess you.
Pet Gun Dog Beginners
£175.00 for the 7 week course

Our Gun Dog Beginner course has been designed for the pet dog to give gun dog training a go!
Over the 6 week course we will be covering the basic exercises of gun dog training; heel work, stop whistle, hand delivery of dummy, hunting, directional cues, sending the dog forward - back cast, recall whistle, hunt whistle, seen retrieves, stays, directional turn whistle, hold & drop, memory retrieve. Incorporating the steadying and impulse exercises.
Suitable for all breeds.
On your first session you will receive a gun dog whistle and lanyard and 2 dummies, to use in your sessions to help you with your Gun dog training journey.

£92.00 for the 4 week course
Hoopers is a relatively new sport that has started to spread from America, into Europe and now to the UK shores here in Enfield. It takes a lot of basics from Agility but removes the need for jumps or contact equipment and replaces them with a smooth course of hoops, tunnels and barrels for the dog to run through so there is minimum impact on your dog’s limbs. This makes it ideal for any type of dog to take part in, from puppies through to older dogs and dogs returning from injury. It focuses on learning distance control and directional commands, hoops, tunnels and send arounds.
£80 for the 4 week course
This course is available for those who have completed our beginners course and want to continue to progress. Each week is a different course and there is a maximum of 6 dogs per class.

£138.00 for the 6 week course
Teaching your dog confidence on the various pieces of equipment in a fun and positive way. Brilliant for high energy dogs.
Through the weeks your dog will be introduced to jumps, tunnels and contact equipment to build up to sequence of equipment working at your dog's pace and ability.
£80.00 for the 4 weeks course
If your dog has done our agility beginners course but is not quite ready to join agility course practise sessions, then this course is for you. This is to further your dog's confidence over the apparatus and to improve handler skills with navigating the course!
£80.00 for the 4 week course
This course is available for those who have completed our beginners/intermediate course and want to continue to progress. Each week is a different course and there is a maximum of 6 dogs per class.
All Sorts
£92.00 for the 4 week course

This course gives you a 'taster' of the other fun sports courses we run such as Hoopers, Parkour, Agility and Scent work with tracking.
Scent Work & Tracking
£150.00 for the 6 week course

Scent is great fun for all dogs, teach your dog how to use their nose in a positive way through various seen and unseen search levels. During the course you will have an introduction to scent objects and learn how to teach your dog’s how to do a basic find.
Our Courses
Our classes run on Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting. All of our classes are held outside throughout the year so please make sure you and your dog come dressed appropriately.
We run a mixture of courses and workshops, which need to be booked in advance.
To book onto any of our courses or workshops, please call us on
07983 382449
020 8364 1242
or via email at


Fantastic puppy classes, I cannot recommended highly enough. So informative, well planned and enjoyable. We will be signing up to more classes as soon as we can. Thank you Emma and team!

Very caring, friendly, patient & knowledgeable staff. Answered all our questions, gave some good ideas to help with individual queries & situations. Lovely people. We'd recommend them & so would our puppy!
via Google Reviews