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Image by Jamie Street

Our Workshops


These workshops are an ideal way to increase and improve your dog’s learning through lots of play, fun and games and having a great time, whilst building a fantastic bond with your dog.

Loose Lead Walking Workshop

2 hour workshop - £55


If your dog is pulling on the lead and it is taking the joy out of going for a walk with your dog, then this is the workshop for you! In this workshop we will delve into the reasons behind why your dog is pulling and give you strategies to help in each of those scenarios!



 Recall Beginners Workshop 

2 hour workshop - £55



Recall is a vital skill for our dogs to learn! In this workshop we will teach you lots of different ways to teach your dogs how to recall and what is going to work for your dog!

Recall Intermediate Workshop

2 hour workshop - £55


This workshop is for dogs that have completed the beginners recall workshop.

 The aims of this workshop is to further your dogs learning in these areas, to get them recalling away from distractions to take your training to the next level.


Scent & Track Workshop

2 hour workshop - £55


Scent work is one of the easiest ways to tire your dogs out mentally! If your dog spends their walks with their nose to the ground, then this is a great way to channel their natural behaviour. Scent work can be done by all dogs of all ages!


Monthly Scent Club

1.5 hour workshop - £40

We are  starting up our monthly scent club.


We will be going over indications - passive & active - working on getting solid indications in the arena. Then taking our scent up into the woods to practise scent finds with indications in a new environment with lots of smell distractions.


Each month we will be doing different scent finds - High and low scent finds, finding scent with decoy scents, digging sand searches, water bowl searches etc.


Please note: We kindly ask that anyone wishing to join our monthly Scent Club has previously completed a Scent and Track workshop with us.

Obstacle Course Workshop

2 hour workshop - £50


We will be creating a large doggy obstacle course including tunnels, low jumps, seesaws, weaves, rainbow runs and tyres. As well as doggys parkour skills; going under something, sending around, through, paws on etc.


All of the exercises are suitable for dogs young and old and can help to build confidence and strengthen the bond between owner and dog!

Our Workshops





Our classes run on Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting. All of our classes are held outside throughout the year so please make sure you and your dog come dressed appropriately.


We run a mixture of courses and workshops, which need to be booked in advance. 


To book onto any of our courses or workshops, please call us on

  07983 382449 

  020 8364 1242

or via email at 




Fantastic puppy classes, I cannot recommended highly enough. So informative, well planned and enjoyable. We will be signing up to more classes as soon as we can. Thank you Emma and team!


Very caring, friendly, patient & knowledgeable staff. Answered all our questions, gave some good ideas to help with individual queries & situations. Lovely people. We'd recommend them & so would our puppy!

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